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132 2023-05-05 19:25

中文:在运输中;在进行中;在准备中 同义词: in the process , in transit 例句如下: (1)Do the project proposals in the pipeline correspond with market trends? 正在进行中的项目提议是否符合市场趋势? (2)The UNIX model is one where the pipeline is an undifferentiated bytestream andcommands in the pipeline consume individually determine when and how toconsume that data. 在UNIX模型中,管道是一个无差别的字节流,管道中的命令会被独立分别处理,进而判断何时/如何使用数据。 (3)China’s first offshore wind farm, a 102-megawatt venture near Shanghai, goesonline this month, with more in the pipeline. 中国第一个海上风电场——上海附近一个102兆瓦的企业本月联机,同时还有更多风电场在准备中。